Happy Dog

Here is a new photo of me!

I’ve been going on walks nearly every day with my friend Helen (the marathon girl)! We walk for about 40 minutes and its far!! I’ve also been for walks in the evening – Mom takes me to a field where we meet up with her friends Claire & Ryan and I get to play with their dogs, Jack & Maggie. I really enjoy that especially when Ryan throws the ball for me – he’s a great ball thrower – I get to run really far to catch it and bring it back, up and down hills. Thats a lot of fun for me. The ball games are my absolute favourite.

I had to go to the bet on Monday – they say I’m overweight 🙂
Now Mom is cutting down on my treats. Sigh … I do love my treats so much.

Happy Dexter

Love & woofs

I’m a great walker!

My Mom says I’m such a great dog to take on walks that we often go for 2 walks a day now. (I walk, Mom tries to keep up!). I’ve stopped barking back at the yappity dogs down the road. I’ve learnt to put my nose in the air and walk right past them. Sometimes I sneak a peek at them and man would I love to bark back and tell them what I think of them, but if I don’t, I get to go for more walks and Mom is alwys very happy and proud of me when I just walk past them. Then the two huge dogs that were really mean and ferocious further down the road seem to have calmed down a lot (or maybe now that I am so big they are a bit intimidated by me – a dog can dream can’t he?). Whatever their story is, we now walk right past those two as well. Not so much nose in air, I’d love to give those two a piece of my mind, but really, Mom is sooo happy when I don’t bark at them that its worth ignoring them for all the special attention I get afterwards.

I have a new favourite fun thing to do …. we have some slippery floors and a very long passage. One of my cool Rogz beds lives at one end of the passage. Charging from the other end of the passage and diving onto my bed makes the bed go ski-ing for the rest of the way… lots of fun! I do it every time they move my bed back to its “place”. Other fun things to do are chasing the cat when noone is looking, fetching pillows from the bedrooms and taking them to the living room …. you know, all the things dogs are not supposed to do!

Lots of licks

Nearly 9 months old

I am nearly 9 months old (on the 26th). I am a very big dog, but Mom says I’m still cute and cuddly 🙂

I still love playing. I love to play ball but most of all I love my daily walks. It’s my favourite time of day. We walk around the neighbourhood and I get to see a lot of dogs. I get in to a LOT of trouble when I bark back at the two big dogs down the road, but I can’t resist it – every time! They are so mean and aggressive and I have to show them that I am just as big, mean and fierce as they are. (and they do it from behind a fence – bah! any dog could do that! Even the Yorkies up the next road are brave behind their fences. I say – come out and bark at me like that IN the road – then lets see who is scarier and louder!). But I get into a lot of trouble for this 🙁

Last week I was in such a rush to go and bark at those two mean dogs that I pulled my Mom off her feet. She landed on her bottom in the road – I was not very popular with her for a while after that. Didn’t get any yummy treats that day and was in the proverbial dox-box for a good few hours. Mom thinks her finger is broken but judging by the way she wags it at me when I’m naughty I reckon that finger is A OK!

I am sure you must be wondering how I am getting along with my big brother, the Cat? Well not too good really. He either ignores me completely or smacks me and growls at me. It’s really not fair because I am just trying to play with him and I get into trouble everytime he growls at me. I’m not supposed to go up to him and throw my ball at him – which I really don’t understand – everybody else thinks its so cute when I bring my ball and throw it in their laps. And I’m not supposed to lick him either. Following him and sniffing him is also not allowed. Nor is trying to jump onto the window sill when he is sitting there …. Seems everything to do with “Cat” is not allowed ….

Mom is going to take some new photos of me tonight so I can post them here for you to see. But now I have to go and have a bath …

Day at a Festival

On Saturday my Mom and her friend took me to the Harfield Village Carnival (it’s more like a street Festival actually). I had a fabulous time. There were lots of dogs to sniff and lick and I made friends with some of them (there were poodles, a pitbull, a staffie/something and lots of dogs whose breed was not obvious). Hundreds of people came and told me how beautiful I am and wanted to pet me and play with me, even little people (children). There were lots and lots of those! They were all very nice to me and I loved the attention. There were wonderful smells … (boerewors roll stands), very loud music that didn’t scare me. After an hour of all the walking around and attention from people and other dogs it was all just too much and I lay down on the grass and had a nap! My Mom said I was very well behaved and she was very proud of me 🙂

Today we are going to the beach with Mom’s friend and his dog, Ox (fully grown Rottweiler). I hope Ox is nicer to me today – he usually just ignores me and steals my toys. And he doesn’t give them back! He bit the head off my funky chicken and now he won’t give it back to me :(. My Mommy says she will get me a new funky chicken!

This is a photo of me and Ox at Muizenberg beach when I was 8 weeks old! I’m much bigger now of course (3 months old next week).

With my friend Ox